Monday, 27 September 2010

A MacGuffin, Enigma and Red Herring

A MacGuffin is a plot device that motivates the characters and advances the story but has little other relavance to the story. In the film Psycho Marion Crane steals $40,000 from her boss. This is the MacGuffin of the film as this story line is what gets the character, Marion crane, to The Bates Motel in the first place.

An Enigma referes to a puzzle, something mysterious or inexplicable or a riddle or problem. In Thrillers this is commonly something which the protagonist has to try to find out or solve before the narrative is resloved and the film finishes. In the film North by Northwest the Enigma is that Roger Thornhill is mistaken for a George Kaplan but the mystery is who is George Kaplan and why do they want him?

A Red Herring is the name given to a device which intends to divert the audience from the truth or an item of significance. Can work with other devices, a MacGuffin and/or an Enigma to create suspence. The Red Herring in North by Northwest is that Roger Thornhill is being framed as they think he is George Kaplin however there is no George Kaplin and never was.

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