Thursday, 17 February 2011

Evaluation 2:How does my media product represent particular social groups?





In our thriller film we use the social groups of sexuality, gender, class and age. Throughout our opening sequence we use alot of typical stereotype views of civilisation. This is because we use the typical romance were a working class teenage boy who is quite butch meets a working class teenage girl who looks like the classic dumb Blonde being in a normal straight relationship. However this can be shown in a positive way as the pair are shown to be in a loving relationship compared to the high tension relationships shown in most Hollywood films. Nevertheless we did not include any ethnic minorities or any older people or any gay people which does not show a greater diversity in the world we live in today. Furthermore we have chosen the typical Hollywood stereotype that are in many of their films.
Shelby Osborne

 Shelby's character is stereotyped as the typical 'dumb blonde girl' in the storyline. She is White British, a female, around the age of 16-19 but this is unknown, she is straight and from a middle class background. She is going out with Billy's character and is sociable as she communicates with Billy's character alot by talking to him and going out with him.

Billy Cove

Billy's character is stereotyped as the typical 'geezer guy' in the storyline. He is White British, a male, also around the age of 16-19 but this is unknown, straight and from a middle class background. Billy's character is going out with Shelby's character and is also very sociable as he also communicates and goes out with Shelby's character.

Louise Levett
Lousie's character is the typical 'loner hooded villain'.She is female, White British and also around the age of the others. However we do not know her sexuality or her class and her personality and characteristics. This creates suspicion and an enigma in the plot.

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